Sunday, October 28, 2012

UPDATE: Hurricane Sandy & Tournament

Hurricane Sandy
Hope everyone is staying safe inside. Be sure to check Avon Grove School District for possible closings.

If AGSD is closed due to weather (or classes are dismissed early), BHMA will automatically be closed.

UPDATE (9:18pm, Oct. 28th): AGSD will be closed on Monday & Tuesday (29th-30th), meaning there will be no classes at BHMA as well.

Congratulations to all those who participated in the most recent Southern End Martial Arts tournament. BHMA collected quite a few medals. However, just remember: whether you came in first or last, your techniques will benefit from the experience.

Congratulations to our participants! I'm so proud of you!

Ava Gray
Connor Gray
Leah Gray
Amelia Nur
James Nur
JJ Ruszin