Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kick-A-Thon Results

Thanks to everyone who participated in our 3rd annual Kick-A-Thon. For those of you who participated, whether you did 1 or 1,000 kicks, you've made a great contribution to a wonderful cause. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

A special thanks to adults who were able to help keep count.

Grand Prize Winner/Top Kicker

1,000 Kicks and above
Jessica Coombes
Sean Hackett
Amelia Nur

601 - 700 Kicks
Joe Snyder

401 - 600 Kicks
Ean Norenberg

301 - 400 Kicks
Maggie Weir

201 - 300 Kicks
Matt Branca
Alex Morris
Robbie Morris
Aaron Ocampo

100-200 Kicks
Alexa Costa
Michael Clupper
Nancy Hammond
Kaleigh Kahan
Thomas Repetz
JJ Ruszin
Eric Welch

1-99 Kicks
Emily Bourdreau
Tyler Bourdreau
Alex DelleDonne
Connor Evans-Ralston
Antonio Gentile
Victoria Gentile
Christopher Johnson
Daniel Johnson
Janet Johnson
Myles Kelly
Brendan Marani
Kai McKittrick
James Nur
Amber Relacion
Angelica Relacion

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Attention all students and parents,

A quick reminder about some of our policies on etiquette for students and visitors. There are plenty of others but we ask that you take time to remember these specific ones...


* Remember, when entering the gym: Salute the flags, then bow to the highest belt/instructor. When leaving: Bow to the highest belt/instructor, then salute the flags

* Always wear a clean and neat uniform to class and remember to practice good personal hygiene. Avoid wearing jewlery as it may pose a danger to you or others

* When approaching an instructor: remember to bow and ask to speak to them politely

* Conversations are NOT permitted between students during training time. This is especially true while an instructor is talking. This is seen as extremley disrespectful and will not be tolerated

* Ask permission to take a bathroom break or get a drink (no excessive breaks). DO NOT leave the training area without permission UNLESS IT'S AN EMERGENCY

* Learn the correct way to line up for class. When lining up for class, yield to higher belts, unless they are late. If you have the same rank, students holding their rank for the longer period of time (seniority) have priority. After this, students should act on good will.

* If you come in late to class. Bow in as normal, then sit in meditation at the edge of the training area. You should do this until an instructor allows you into class

* If for any reason you are not in full uniform and belt, you MUST ask the instructor's permission to train. Depending on the situation, you may have to yield to all other belts when lining up


* Please learn the correct starting time for your child's class. This will ensure they won't be treated "late". Please remember to also pick up your child on time.

* Parents are welcome to observe, but we ask that you do your best in not creating a distraction

* Please DO NOT leave other children in the hall unsupervised. Leaving them with their supervised friend(s) at the gym DOES NOT COUNT as supervision (e.g. leaving a child to play with the other kids while going to the store). UNLESS you ask another parent/adult to take reponsibility beforehand, this puts an unfair duty on instructors and other adults

* AND MOST OF ALL: PLEASE KEEP YOUR VOICES DOWN. Your voices carry a lot further than you may think. When in doubt, use a volume no higher than you would at a library.

Other Special Directions

* Kids who are waiting while parents train: Do your best to stay by the benches indoor, so if your parents turn to look, they can know where you are. DO NOT PESTER/BOTHER your parents over non-emergencies during their training (Batteries for a hand held game, minor arguments with siblings, a snack, etc). This is seen as disrespectful to your parents training as well as the instructors who are teaching a class

* The Dragon Gym of West Grove is NOT A PLAYGROUND! NO ONE is to be playing around in the gym, especially if someone is still in there training (before, during, or after class). This is both disrespectful and dangerous! The gym is for training, not playing with the equipment.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Holiday Schedule

Just a reminder for everyone on our holiday schedule for the 4th of July:

Saturday, July 3rd - Tuesday, July 6th: CLOSED

Regular classes resume afterwards.

Thanks and have a great 4th of July!!

P.S. Kick-A-Thon results and pictures coming soon!!!