Friday, December 10, 2010

Common Terminology

Some of our beginner students may be wondering just what we're saying at the beginning and end of class, as well as the correct way to count. Here's just a few common terms and phrases you might hear:

Cheri Ut - Attention
Kukki A Chu Mok - Salute The Flags
Di Ro Dora - Stationary Turn
Chun Bee- Ready Stance
Shi Chak - Begin
Barro - As You Were
Kyo Bu Nim - Head Instructor
Bo Kyo Bu Nim - Assistant Instructor
Kyo Bu Nim Kay Kenya - Bow to Head Instructor
Bo Kyo Bu Nim Kay Kenya - Bow to Assistant Instructor
Ahn Yong Ha Shim Nika - Hello, How Are You?
Kum Sa Hum Nida - Thank You

How to Start Class - Bowing in the instructor
1. Instructor: "Cheri Ut"
2. Instructor: "Kukki A Chu Mok"
3. Instructor: "Barro"
4. Senior Student: "Cheri Ut"
5. Senior Student: "(Bo) Kyo Bu Nim Kay Kenya"
6. Whole Class (while bowing): "Ahn Yong Ha Shim Nika"
7. Senior Student: "Barro"

Hanna - One
Duel - Two
Set - Three
Net - Four
Dasut - Five
Yosut - Six
Ilgup - Seven
Yodul - Eight
Ahhop - Nine
Yul - Ten
Yul Hanna - Eleven
Yul Duel - Twelve
Sumal - Twenty
Suron - Thirty
Mahon - Forty
Schwin - Fifty